Frosty 3
A. Broken Bird, Rise
B. Sink, Luv Lemon Lies
Songs: Riyo Kinugasa, Hirokazu Kasayuki
Recording: Tokyo, Japan
Sleeve photo: Akiko
White Come Come? Funny name. Doesn't sound very promising. I know.
But. they. were. great.
Where Razorblade Smile were pop with destructive element, WCC were pop with groove, sheer speed and freshness. Somehow I feel, the difference is that they were not... angry.
They are from Osaka, formed at an art college there. They were nice kids when we met on the Birth of the True tour of Japan in 1992. And smashing live, too. We got talking a bit in between rehearsal. I remember them saying how they don't have any favourite bands. They denied any particular influence, which was very unlike other Japanese indie bands then, who were only too happy to make a big list of mostly UK artists that they admire. After two decades someone may spot "that bit sounds like so-and-so", but we never thought they sounded like anyone at that time. They were just so fresh.
WCC didn't seem to have lasted very long, we stopped hearing from/about them after a few years. Maybe called it a day after graduation. Last I heard about them is that one of them got a job locally in Osaka and one of his colleagues was Ian Masters of Pale Saints. Small world.
Ah, wish they'd picked a better name for themselves...